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Some things you don't know about Happy Place Print

Writer's picture: happyplaceprinthappyplaceprint

How is another week almost over again?!?! The time is just going by so quickly and Christmas will be here in 100 days or so not that I'm counting haha.

A quick update

We had a super exciting week this week because we released our first ever Calendar for 2022! A lot of hard work went into this Retro Calendar and we spent ages on the design of it. We have had such an overwhelming response already and the first lot of Calendars will be dispatched very soon. We are also donating £1 from every calendar sold to the NHS because let's face it where would we be without them. They really are real life hero's and I don't think we could ever thank them enough.

We also have a fun feature where we ask you a question every month and will be looking out for you to tag us in your answers during the year and we will be doing the same. If you have ordered, shared, commented or liked our Calendar then thank you so much :)

We have also shared some BRAND NEW Retro and Watercolour prints and now offer all of our Retro Prints in A4,A3,A2 and A1. This week we have created some great Custom prints too, all you have to do is send us your photo and we will do the rest! This makes a fantastic gift.

We are still very new to this Blog so I thought it would be fun to share '10 things you don't know about Happy Place Print'. We think it is important to get to know the people behind a small shop and we really enjoy having conversations with our customers and followers (you can find us on Instagram and Twitter). So here we go 10 things (maybe 11) that you don't know about Happy Place Print...

1- We used to run the shop from our living room and couldn't eat at our dinner table for 6months because it was covered in paper and printers.

2- We visit the post box or post office 6 days a week. Safe to say that Noah knows what a post box is for and what it looks like! He likes having a turn at posting the prints too and even says "bye bye" to them, so cute.

3- We love spotting anything and everything that says Happy Place when we are out and about and we get lots of gifts given to us with these words on it.

4- We used to have a crazy idea that we had to get prints out by 9am this was crazy and we soon realised this wasn't manageable. Although 99% of the time they are still dispatched ahead of time anyway.

5- I used to think Dan took too many photos when we were on I feel bad because thank goodness he did because they make great prints.

6- Dan loves photography and taught himself. I know I'm biased but considering it is just a hobby of his I think he is so talented. One of my best friends was the first person to ask for one of Dan's photos to be made into a canvas for them. We hadn't even considered using his photos in this way and they still have it up in their hallway now!

7- We have never had a business or been self employed before so this has all been new to us. I am certainly more aware of how much effort and work goes into a small shop now and will be setting myself a task of shopping small this Christmas (let me know your recommendations).

8- Noah loves sticking the postage labels on and will also put business cards in the cello wallets! He is a great helper and I love that he can come to work with me :)

9- We actually make a great team (if we do say so ourselves haha). Dan is super creative and very good with technology and I'm the organised one who makes sure the business gets enough interest and runs as smoothly as possible.

10- We sell prints offline too. I love meeting people and like to be interacting so it is important for me to not just be online.

11- We looooooove our small shop and have lots and lots of exciting things planned for the future (you probably knew this one).

Thanks so much for reading, speak soon x

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